Monday, April 20, 2009

comment moderation

I just wanted to apologize about having to turn on the comment moderation - I got targeted by a religious nut who started posting a ton of bible scriptures and "you're going to hell along with everyone else who is in A.A." type comments. The first time it happened to me, I just deleted them all after-the-fact. This time, I happened to be online when it started so I turned on the comment moderation, which seemed to substantially shorten the length and number of the comments posted, ending with a "burn in hell" (after discovering his comments weren't posting, I'm guessing - what happened to "turn the other cheek"???). I also deleted his first several posts from before I noticed what was going on, just to save everyone the headache of having to wade through all his crap.

As Pooh would say, Oh bother!

So, from here on out, any and all comments will be approved and posted a.s.a.p. unless a) you quote a bunch of bible verses, b) you repeatedly reference a certain little sunny spot often referred to as "hell" by those religious folks, or c) ... I have no c. I should have a c, but I don't. Maybe I'll come up with one later.


Carol said...

Sorry you had probs w/religious zealot. A friend told me that I should have comment mod on my blog for that very reason. Not a prob yet since I don't have any commentors yet! I'm enjoying your blog,

legally_barb said...

I don't know if you'll see this Carol, but I wanted you to know that I visit your blog and have tried to comment many times but for some reason it just won't take or post my comments. :/ And I saw today that your blog got hit by that jesus jerk - I tried to say hello again, but it still won't take my posts. So if you happen to see this, just wanted you to know that you are not only talking to the crazies! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!