Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am still here, although I have not been blogging ... I've started a few entries but not been able to finish them. I've been having a lot of trouble with pain in my hands and wrists, which makes typing difficult, to say the least. After doing the amount necessary to get through my work, blogging becomes an impossible task. However, I've been to the doctor and they ran some tests - hopefully I'll not only get some answers soon about what the heck is wrong, but also some useful treatment and pain relief as well!

I suppose I could attempt to do some shorter stuff ... but I've never been particularly good at keeping things short and simple. :) This will be my first attempt, and I promise to make more efforts at both shorter and simpler! And I'll keep you posted on my test results ...


Carol said...

I like short. Whatever needs to be said can be done in about 100 words in my opinion. After a couple paragraphs, I have to admit, I'm just skimming for something juicy.

Syd said...

Short is good. I sometimes go on too much. I hope that the tests turn out well.